Order of blood collection tubes (Bilingual) [PDF]
Catecholamines, 24 hour urine [PDF]
Centrifugation Procedure [PDF]
Chlamydia & Gonorrhea by PCR [PDF]
Cytology, liquid-based and Human Papilloma Virus (HPV) [PDF]
Helicobacter pylori, Urea C13 breath test [PDF]
Hemoculture (Blood culture) [PDF]
Hydrogen-methane breath test [PDF]
Influenza AH1N1 and bordetella pertussis [PDF]
Mid-stream urine collection for culture (Bilingual) [PDF]
Occult blood, Hemosure IFOB Test [PDF]
Pediatric capillary collection [PDF]
Sperm analysis (collection instructions for patient) (Bilingual) [PDF]
Therapeutic Drug Monitoring [PDF]
Urine, 24 hour (with or without preservatives) [PDF]
Urine, analysis and culture (with preservation tubes) [PDF]
VMA and metanephrines, 24 hour urine [PDF]